OrlandoMagic (full stats)

          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT +/-/G  AVG
 1 vucevic,nikola     C 39 34.3  362  681 .532   0   3 .000   87  114 .763  -4.9 20.8
 2 oladipo,victor    SG 40 37.3  287  670 .428  50 156 .321  167  195 .856  -3.2 19.8
 3 harris,tobias     SF 30 34.1  179  403 .444  40 125 .320   74   93 .796  -4.8 15.7
 4 payton,elfrid     PG 41 34.0  186  414 .449   7  22 .318   76  125 .608  -3.5 11.1
 5 fournier,evan     SG 21 22.4   71  151 .470  24  62 .387   27   31 .871  -0.8  9.2
 6 green,willie      SG 27 20.5   77  171 .450  30  71 .423   19   23 .826  -1.1  7.5
 7 frye,channing     PF 36 20.9   86  229 .376  63 166 .380   20   21 .952  -3.4  7.1
 8 nicholson,andrew  PF 21 14.4   54  120 .450   7  29 .241   11   18 .611  -2.7  6.0
 9 gordon,aaron      PF 33 16.5   63  135 .467   8  35 .229   33   44 .750  -2.7  5.1
10 gordon,ben        SG 21 11.9   33   92 .359   9  31 .290   15   18 .833  -5.1  4.3
11 o'quinn,kyle      PF 27 13.2   47   94 .500   3  18 .167   15   23 .652  -2.8  4.1
12 ridnour,luke      PG 27 13.8   43  100 .430  14  41 .341   11   13 .846  -2.7  4.1
13 dedmon,dewayne     C 28 17.8   48   79 .608   0   1 .000   18   38 .474   1.4  4.1
14 harkless,maurice  SF 25 14.7   35   95 .368   6  31 .194   14   28 .500  -2.7  3.6
15 marble,devyn      SG  9 19.6   11   36 .306   4  21 .190    5   14 .357  -2.4  3.4

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 vucevic,nikola     68  1.7  30  0.8  78  2.0  23  0.6 22.9 137 3.5  430 11.0
 2 oladipo,victor    174  4.3  67  1.7 112  2.8  13  0.3 18.1  37 0.9  184  4.6
 3 harris,tobias      52  1.7  30  1.0  44  1.5  13  0.4 15.3  28 0.9  161  5.4
 4 payton,elfrid     305  7.4  79  1.9 112  2.7  13  0.3 17.4  68 1.7  209  5.1
 5 fournier,evan      37  1.8  18  0.9  21  1.0   0  0.0  9.1   7 0.3   45  2.1
 6 green,willie       47  1.7  18  0.7  37  1.4   4  0.1  6.8   7 0.3   45  1.7
 7 frye,channing      48  1.3  22  0.6  36  1.0  18  0.5  7.8  13 0.4  116  3.2
 8 nicholson,andrew   15  0.7   4  0.2  17  0.8  10  0.5  4.8   8 0.4   45  2.1
 9 gordon,aaron       24  0.7  14  0.4  25  0.8  13  0.4  6.4  32 1.0  119  3.6
10 gordon,ben         17  0.8   5  0.2  25  1.2   0  0.0  2.0   2 0.1   23  1.1
11 o'quinn,kyle       27  1.0  15  0.6  25  0.9  15  0.6  6.0  19 0.7   89  3.3
12 ridnour,luke       45  1.7  13  0.5  21  0.8   4  0.1  4.5   4 0.1   30  1.1
13 dedmon,dewayne      3  0.1   9  0.3  29  1.0  29  1.0  7.2  61 2.2  164  5.9
14 harkless,maurice   11  0.4  22  0.9  11  0.4   7  0.3  4.2  25 1.0   59  2.4
15 marble,devyn       16  1.8   8  0.9   8  0.9   2  0.2  4.9   5 0.6   25  2.8

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals     9891 1582 3470  .456  265  812 .326  592  798 .742 4021 108.23  98.1
Opponents  9887 1580 3382  .467  389 1011 .385  718  944 .761 4267 124.21 104.1

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   TC   EJ    FF  OR   TR   AVG
Totals     889  853  354  601  164    9    0    0  453 1744  42.5
Opponents 1003  723  346  610  206    7    0    0  425 1785  43.5

Record 12 - 29         Home  9 - 15         Away  3 - 14

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  EJ  FF  PF  DQ STA   +/- PTS/48
 1 vucevic,nikola   1336  811   32.10   2   0   0 122   1  39 -192  29.14
 2 oladipo,victor   1493  791   23.32   0   0   0 104   0  40 -128  25.43
 3 harris,tobias    1023  472   21.56   1   0   0  39   0  25 -144  22.15
 4 payton,elfrid    1393  455   24.60   1   0   0 106   0  41 -144  15.68
 5 fournier,evan     471  193   19.57   0   0   0  37   0   4  -16  19.67
 6 green,willie      553  203   15.84   0   0   0  47   0   0  -30  17.62
 7 frye,channing     754  255   17.86   1   0   0  76   1  23 -122  16.23
 8 nicholson,andrew  303  126   15.92   0   0   0  34   0   2  -57  19.96
 9 gordon,aaron      543  167   18.67   0   0   0  61   0   6  -90  14.76
10 gordon,ben        250   90    8.11   1   0   0  20   0   0 -107  17.28
11 o'quinn,kyle      357  112   21.95   1   0   0  47   0   1  -76  15.06
12 ridnour,luke      373  111   15.73   0   0   0  36   0   0  -74  14.28
13 dedmon,dewayne    499  114   19.45   2   0   0  81   2  14   39  10.97
14 harkless,maurice  367   90   13.60   0   0   0  31   0   3  -67  11.77
15 marble,devyn      176   31   12.14   0   0   0  12   0   7  -22   8.45

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 vucevic,nikola      2.4    1.1    2.8    0.8    4.9   15.4
 2 oladipo,victor      5.6    2.2    3.6    0.4    1.2    5.9
 3 harris,tobias       2.4    1.4    2.1    0.6    1.3    7.6
 4 payton,elfrid      10.5    2.7    3.9    0.4    2.3    7.2
 5 fournier,evan       3.8    1.8    2.1    0.0    0.7    4.6
 6 green,willie        4.1    1.6    3.2    0.3    0.6    3.9
 7 frye,channing       3.1    1.4    2.3    1.1    0.8    7.4
 8 nicholson,andrew    2.4    0.6    2.7    1.6    1.3    7.1
 9 gordon,aaron        2.1    1.2    2.2    1.1    2.8   10.5
10 gordon,ben          3.3    1.0    4.8    0.0    0.4    4.4
11 o'quinn,kyle        3.6    2.0    3.4    2.0    2.6   12.0
12 ridnour,luke        5.8    1.7    2.7    0.5    0.5    3.9
13 dedmon,dewayne      0.3    0.9    2.8    2.8    5.9   15.8
14 harkless,maurice    1.4    2.9    1.4    0.9    3.3    7.7
15 marble,devyn        4.4    2.2    2.2    0.5    1.4    6.8